A Travellerspoint blog

Like the Movies

The Only Way is Clarendon

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All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players

Movies, Flicks, Films... a powerful drug that takes our conscience to another world, where we can be whoever we dare. The hero, the villain, the damsel in distress. For a split second, we escape reality and are thrust into someone else's shoes taking us on a journey of emotions. There's nothing like losing yourself to a good movie (especially starring Johnny Depp) and for 90minutes, just letting go.

I recently signed up for an online movie subscription (before you think it, I can't illegally download movies, thus, yes I actually pay for them) so I've been exploring the never ending web of movies. I am a hopeless romantic and romantic comedies/dramas have consumed most of my time, leaving me heartbroken and longing for my prince charming. I've also been catching up on my Breaking Bad which is getting more intense by the episode.

I absolutely love snuggling up in a warm bed with friends and watching a good movie. Have some sneaky chocolate, some laughs and tears together whilst our imaginations are cut loose from reality.

My recent movie binge has led me to contemplate what sort of movie my life would be, if some stranger sat down for 90 minutes and watched my reality. Of course it would be a romantic comedy with some tears thrown in there too, but where would the climax be? What's the big problem I have to overcome? Who's my Hugh Grant and who's my Colin Firth (gotta love Bridget Jones' Diary right?) Don't worry, I'm not completely insane, just very interested as to what my role in life is to play as Shakespeare would say. I definitely believe in making your own happiness/luck/chances/opportunities but also that everything in life happens for a reason, that any set backs are just preparing you for something more amazing.

The scene of my London life would be over in a split second, somehow encompassing a 7 month adventure... but I know I have many more to come.
Some parts of my movie would be wildly hilarious; from the wild nights out and in, being broke and elements. Some would be cute and sweet; the moments I've shared with friends and family. And some would be an adventure/thriller... who knows what's ever going to happen in a big city like London.

I look forward to sharing my 90 minutes with someone special one day, but until then, I'll keep creating my wild adventures striving for an Oscar or a Golden Globe.

I just wonder what the director of my film has planned for me.


Posted by missadelaide 11:42 Archived in United Kingdom Tagged movies

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